Thursday, August 27, 2020
Cross cultural communication Essay
There are six directors in diverse correspondence. The primary chief expresses that the more noteworthy the social distinction the more prominent the possibility is for the correspondence ti separate. The subsequent chief says that when correspondence breakdowns happen during diverse experiences, the breakdowns are regularly credited to social contrasts. The third chief expresses that imparting across societies frequently drives individuals to be progressively cognizant about their own correspondence. The fourth one expresses that societies shift regarding the number and sort of â€Å"do’s and taboos†that are expected of its individuals. The fifth one expresses that an individual ought to recall that realizing what is ordinary in the way of life the are speaking with causes you comprehend that gathering. The last chief expresses that as long as you consider others to be well disposed and agreeable obstructions will handily be separated (Cheesebro, O’Connor, and Rios, Chapter 3, Cultural Diversity, 2010). I decided to expound on Hispanics. There social insurance experience is like African American, which is my race. First there is the language obstruction. They communicate in another dialect and it can in some cases be difficult to clarify things when there isn't an interpreter present. Things lose all sense of direction in interpretation. Another issue is that they don’t have human services. They don’t have protection so they don’t go to a specialist and thus they have unforeseen weakness (Bzostek, Goldman, and Pebley, 2007). With regards to correspondences, there are numerous obstructions. Suppliers impart diversely with regards to Hispanics. Studies have demonstrated that when suppliers manage the Spanish talking patients they ask less open finished inquiry and tests for quiet comprehension due to the language hindrance (Mayo, Windsor, Sundarwaran and Crew 2007). A seconds study expresses that when suppliers depended on mediators for speaking with their patients, yet absence of accessibility of the translators and patient holding up were accounted for as boundaries in utilizing translators viably (Mayo, Windsor, Sundarwaran and Crew 2007). This hindrance drove suppliers to go to English talking family n individuals and bilingual staff who made the correspondence dull (Mayo, Windsor, Sundarwaran and Crew 2007). As I would see it these are only a portion of the obstructions that remain in the middle of Hispanics and non-Hispanic suppliers. To me language is the most well-known one. At the point when individuals have this barriere they are less inclined to need to convey in light of the fact that they don’t thing the other party will comprehend the message they are attempting to send. So on the off chance that they do convey there will be an absence of excitement and the message won't run over accurately. References Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., and Rios, F. (2010). Imparting in the Workplace. Recovered from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. Bzostek, S., Goldman, N., and Pebley, A. (2007, September). For what reason do Hispanics in the USA report unexpected weakness?. Sociology and Medicine, 65(5), 990 †1003.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dealing with the Hard Days of Work essays
Managing the Hard Days of Work papers Secondary school understudies are dynamic, enthusiastic and loaded with life that is anticipating to be devoured by any and all conceivable means. Be that as it may, the most dynamic understudies would be the seniors since they have less school work to manage and all the more extra an ideal opportunity to spend. Despite the fact that most of seniors have all the more available time, there are still some non-seniors who additionally have some free time. The vast majority of the understudies who have additional time really discover something great to utilize it for. These understudies go out into this present reality and search for occupations, essentially ones that pay the lowest pay permitted by law since other well paying employments are not that simple to discover. In any case, it shifts for every individual to either work numerous hours, or only a couple of hours. There are benefits and furthermore impediments for working numerous hours. A couple of advantages may be keeping the c hildren off the boulevards and learning work aptitudes. However, a few hindrances may be a lot of pressure, no an ideal opportunity for a public activity, and less an ideal opportunity to spend on instruction. Working a long move at work is useful for the understudy since this understudy will learn aptitudes for times that the person in question will utilize them for. The understudy will learn people groups aptitudes since the person should speak with the client to comprehend their requirements. These activity aptitudes will keep the understudy sorted out in their life with the goal that they will have the option to converse with individuals in a fitting way. In McJobs by Ben Wildavsky, the writer composes Ninety-four percent of representatives said their occupations helped them learn cooperation, 89 percent figured out how to manage clients, and 69 percent built up a familiarity with how a business runs, giving us that laborers are learning new things by dealing with their clients with assistance from their kindred workers (264). Adolescents have a decent long for smoking, drinking liquor and ingesting a few medications. I imagine that working these long moves are useful for the explanation of not letting understudies mutilate their bodies fr ... <!
How To Make Friends Influence People at Work
The most effective method to Make Friends Influence People at Work It’s critical to have companions and to be the sort of individual individuals need to be companions with. It’s apparently considerably progressively critical to make companions among your colleagues. As a matter of first importance, work is an incredible spot to make grown-up companions after school. What's more, it’s additionally an extraordinary method to turn into a piece of the organization culture. You may even begin to anticipate going to work each day. Here are 10â tips on the best way to make more companions and impact individuals in the working environment and in life:1. Use NamesSaying people’s names is simple, and in the event that you work it into your typical talking patters, it willâ really have an effect. Individuals love hearing their own names. It’s like you’re customizing nonexclusive casual chitchat with each use.2. Don’t be MercenaryDon’t befriend everybody, and don’t warm up to individuals since you need to get something out of them. Ulterior intentions won’t serve you over the long haul. Put your exertion and vitality into individuals you would need to associate with outside of work. Also, don’t go too gung-ho excessively quick or you’ll drive potential mates away with your over exuberance.3. Be YourselfYou don’t need to get into a circumstance where you’re hesitant to become friends with specific partners on certain internet based life stages. Keep it reliable. Have an approach and stick with it. The least demanding thing? Simply act naturally. At the workplace, at home, and over your internet based life profiles. Don’t state anything on the web you wouldn’t be happy with having the entirety of your companions see.4. Help PeopleNobody enjoys the individual in the workplace who won't help her colleague. Attempt to state yes and help individuals as frequently as possible without relinquishing your very own lot work or time. Itâ €™s an extraordinary method to pick up and express loyalty.5. Don’t be ObnoxiousDon’t be the boisterous one everybody extends their necks out of their desk areas to frown at. Don’t acquire stinky snacks and microwave their odor all through the workplace. Don’t talk over individuals or shut down their thoughts without tuning in. To put it plainly, don’t be a twitch. This basic system will really make the rest shockingly easy.6. ParticipateIf a gathering of your collaborators is remaining around making casual discussion, participate! In the event that there’s a birthday card available for use or a joint present to go in on, get included! Similarly as you wouldn’t need to turn down chances to assemble your expert system, don’t turn down chances to make companions. Party time? Indeed please.7. Don’t be NegativeCursing and griping can be distancing, best case scenario, and an immense mood killer at the very least. Attempt to remain created and positive. Be the individual individuals look to when they need a portion of the splendid side, not somebody individuals stay away from when they’re not fondling to snuff.8. Set BoundariesMaking companions with your collaborators doesn't mean welcoming them to be your best mates immediately. Don’t want to welcome individuals to your home or family works too early. That can hold up until you’ve built up a genuine closeness. Keep it light and social at first.9. Resolve ConflictsDon’t let contentions or feelings of hatred stew and putrefy underneath your connections. Keep in mind, you can’t simply leave your bandy at home-these companions are individuals you likewise need to work with. Be very direct in settling astonishingly up, before they become significant issues that may hinder work or your relationship.10. Be InclusiveDon’t simply single out the individuals you like most. Sure it’s alright to be nearer to the individuals with whom you share most for all intents and purpose you don’t must be everyone’s companion to a similar degree. Yet, don’t be the snap that welcomes everybody with the exception of one or a couple of individuals out for drinks on a Friday night. Be comprehensive. Pick thoughtfulness. Else you may lose companions as opposed to make a greater amount of them.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Practices in Psychology Essay
Social predisposition is one of numerous inclinations to be found in mental research. On the off chance that you take a gander at various research concentrates in Psychology, at that point you will see that most of that examination has been completed in Western culture and has been applied to the remainder of the world not perceiving that there may be contrasts. Generally British and American investigations have utilized examples of members from their own societies, and typically understudies. This implies not exclusively can the outcomes not be applied to different societies and the remainder of the world, yet they cannot be applied to any individual who isnt an understudy. Brain research is in this way blameworthy of a forced etic, attempting to clarify the conduct in one piece of the world, e. g. Indonesia, with speculations and research that has been created in another, America. Culture bound disorder are an away from of brain science where culture predisposition is available. Culture bound conditions are scatters which have been first portrayed in and firmly connected to a specific territory, gathering of individuals or part of the world. In spite of the fact that there are numerous â€Å"culture bound syndromes†that have been found, are they extremely mental precariousness. Because our way of life finds that the Chinese method of greaving is somewhat weird does that mean they are experiencing a dysfunctional behavior? Symptomatic frameworks are additionally brimming with culture predisposition. On the off chance that somebody is having a discussion with a dead relative in our way of life, at that point as indicated by the DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that individual is intellectually sick, however on the off chance that this was in Africa, where conversing with dead family members is viewed as typical conduct, this suspicion that the individual is intellectually temperamental isn't proper. As the every nation is turning out to be more multi-socially perspectives need to change. Culture predisposition will presumably consistently be available in Psychology and its reasearch as nobody can be both English and Indian and Chinese. This could prompt a few people (on the off chance that they are needing to go to the extraordinary) believing it to be supremacist. Increasingly culturally diverse research is required. As then we can contrast various societies with our own, as opposed to summing up improper reseach that doesn’t apply to all societies and making an off-base impression.
The Prince, MachiavelliS Economy Of Violence Essays -
The Prince, Machiavelli'S Economy Of Violence The Prince, Machiavelli's Economy of Violence Machiavelli was an Italian student of history, legislator, and political scholar, whose irreverent, yet compelling compositions on power building have transformed his name into an equivalent word for crafty and deception. I for one feel he is a virtuoso. Niccolo Machiavelli was conceived on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy. He in the end turned into a man who carried on with his life for legislative issues and nationalism. At this moment, be that as it may, he is related with degenerate, authoritarian government. The explanation behind this is a little flyer he composed called The Prince to pick up impact with the decision Medici family in Florence. The political virtuoso of Niccolo Machiavelli was eclipsed by the notoriety that was unreasonably given to him on account of a misconception of his perspectives on legislative issues. Machiavelli's life was extremely intriguing. He carried on a dull adolescence in Florence, and his principle political involvement with his childhood was viewing Savanarola from a far distance. Not long after Savanarola was executed, Machiavelli entered the Florentine government as a secretary. His position immediately rose, nonetheless, and was before long captivating in political missions. He met a considerable lot of the significant lawmakers of the day, for example, the Pope and the King of France, however none had more effect on him than a ruler of the Papal States, Cesare Borgia. Borgia was a finesse, unfeeling man, especially like the one depicted in The Prince. Machiavelli didn't really like Borgia's arrangements, yet he felt that with a ruler like Borgia the Florentines could join Italy, which was Machiavelli's objective for an amazing duration. Lamentably for Machiavelli, he was excused from office when the Medici came to govern Florence and the Republic was ousted. The abs ence of an occupation constrained him to change to expounding on legislative issues as opposed to being dynamic. His strategic missions were his last official government positions. At the point when Machiavelli lost his office, he urgently needed to come back to legislative issues. He attempted to pick up the kindness of the Medici by composing a paper of what he thought were the Medici's objectives and devoting it to them. Thus The Prince was composed for that reason. Lamentably, the Medici didn't concur with what the book stated, so he was out of work. Be that as it may, when the open saw the book, they were insulted. The individuals considered how barbarous a man could be to think insidious musings like the ones in The Prince, and this would cause issues down the road for him when he was alive and dead. Be that as it may, if the individuals needed to realize what Machiavelli truly rely on, they ought to have understood his ?Discourses on Livy,? which clarify his full political way of thinking. However, insufficient individuals had and have, thus the inheritance of The Prince keeps on characterizing Machiavelli to the overall population. A couple of years after the fact the Medici were kicked out of Florence. The republic was restored, and Machiavelli hurried to retake the workplace he had left such a large number of years back. However, the notoriety that The Prince had set up made individuals think his way of thinking resembled the Medici, so he was not chosen. What's more, here the sharp downhill of his life started. His wellbeing started to bomb him, and he kicked the bucket months after the fact, in 1527. Machiavelli had been unreasonably assaulted a mind-blowing entirety in view of a terrible notoriety. However, it just deteriorated after he passed on. He was ceaselessly impacted for his help of degenerate decision. Truth be told, Machiavellian presently implies degenerate government. Recently has his actual character become visible. The world must change it's vision of the chilly, relentless Machiavelli to the right perspective on a nationalist and a political virtuoso. All through his vocation Machiavelli tried to set up a state equipped for opposing remote assault. His works are worried about the standards on which such a state is established, and with the methods by which they can be executed and kept up. In, The Prince he depicts the strategy by which a sovereign can get and keep up political force. This investigation, which has frequently been viewed as a resistance of the dictatorship and oppression of such rulers as Cesare Borgia, depends on Machiavelli's conviction that a ruler isn't limited by conventional moral standards. In his view, a ruler ought to be concerned uniquely with power
Friday, July 3, 2020
UN Control & Disarmament Efforts Lessons from Iraq & Iran - 3025 Words
UN Control and Disarmament Efforts: Lessons from Iraq and Iran (Term Paper Sample) Content: UN ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT EFFORT:LESSONS FROM IRAQ AND IRANTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281289" Definition of arms control and disarmament PAGEREF _Toc437281289 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281290" Classifications of weapons: Conventional vs. Non-conventional PAGEREF _Toc437281290 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281291" The Nuclear Proliferation Treaty PAGEREF _Toc437281291 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281292" Functions of United Nations in Arms Control and Disarmament PAGEREF _Toc437281292 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281293" Role of United Nations in Arms Control and Disarmament PAGEREF _Toc437281293 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281294" Lessons from Iraq and Iran PAGEREF _Toc437281294 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc437281295" Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc437281295 \h 13 Definition of arms control and disarmament Wars, antagonism and instability are inflamed in a large part by the availability of weapons. Arms control and disarmament therefore seek to provide instruments and mechanism for controlling the vehicles of violence. Though sequentially interrelated, arms control and disarmament bear different connotations. Disarmament stems from the logic that an absence of weapons also marks an absence in war. The desideratum of disarmament efforts is the abolition and ultimate elimination of armaments either through unilateral or lateral agreements; controlled or uncontrolled efforts; general or local; comprehensive or partial measures.Arms control broadly encompasses all schemes aimed at inducing military cooperation between adversaries in the interest of stability and peace. Arms control aims to regulate the destructive potential of military weapons and troops in terms of quantity, location, virulence, range and transparency in a bid to abate the prevalence of violent or accidental war; reduce arms expenditure and seek to divert military funds into more beneficial developm ent programs. From a historical point of view, the mechanism of arms control can be broadly classified into six categories. The first strategy utilized in arms control is the limitation and reduction of weapons which places definitive restriction on the accumulation, possession and manufacturing of military apparatus. A second approach involves the demilitarization, denuclearization, and neutralization with the aim of blocking the deployment of defense forces, armaments and garrison in particular geo-spatial territories on land, water or airspace. The third approach is banning the use of specific arms considered to have inconceivable destructive capacities. Arms control and manufacture provides boundaries and embargoes on assembling, trading and transferring certain weapons. The laws of war on the other hand provide underlying guidelines and principles of war which provide distinctions between combats and non-combats or prohibit the use of WMDs even in war. Stabilization of the international environment is a more diplomatic approach utilized in arms control to reduce tensions between parties that may escalate into a war by way of communication, cooperation and meaningful negotiations. Classifications of weapons: Conventional vs. Non-conventionalThe theory and practice of arms control and disarmament is deeply entrenched in the Cold war. At the time, fear of a nuclear holocaust and proliferation of nuclear weapons directed the main agenda of arms control and rightly so given their destructive mass casualty and annihilation capabilities. The danger posed by two clusters of weapons: non-conventional WMD and conventional weapons has come to occupy center stage in international politics.WMDs is a term used to describe lethal nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical warfare agents which are characterized by their latent abilities for super colossal and indiscriminate annihilation of both people and planet. The threat of nuclear weapons detonation or war is more deep seated given their highly horrific and unparalleled cataclysmic capacity. A full-blown nuclear onslaught could decimate billions of people in a matter of hours and inflict catastrophic environmental contamination that would leave the earth virtually inhabitable. Biological weapons which make use of virulent pathogens, viruses or other infectious agents are characterized by their extremely intractable and contagious nature. Popularly known as the poor man nuclear arsenal, biological weapons can be easily produced, concealed and transported with minimal finances and expertise. Chemical weapons on the other hand are distinguished by their chemical properties and effects on the blood, nerve, blisters or choking effect. Unlike nuclear weapons, chemical warfare agents are easier and cheaper to mass produce and some are even commercially available. The Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 and Chemical Weapon Convention of 1997 outlaw the production, possession and transfe r of these weapons by states.Apart from this WMD, conventional weapons that are relatively in wide use and available in all corners of the globe continue to play a critical role in conflict and insecurity. Small arms, landmines, bombs, missiles, rocket shells and other cluster munitions continue to take a heavy toll on human life and undermine development. The Geneva Convention, Convention on Cluster Munitions, Mine Ban Treaty and Arms Trade treaty provide parameters for the acceptable use of conventional weapons. The Nuclear Proliferation TreatyThe NPT, enforced in 1970 is the cornerstone of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime. The treaty epitomizes the commitment and safeguards of the international community to impede further proliferation of nuclear arms beyond the five pronounced nuclear wielding states: United State, The Soviet Union, Britain, France and China. At the time it was established, it was projected that the number of countries wielding nuclear weapons would have surged to 20 within a decade. Forty-four years afterwards, only nine states have nuclear programs and some gave up their nuclear pursuits largely due to the NPTs prohibitions. The central bargain at the heart of the treaty was the non-proliferation/disarmament trade-off between the Nuclear Weapon States (NWS) and the Non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS). The NNWS agreed to give up the nuclear ambitions-promising to never produce or acquire nuclear weapons and place all their nuclear facilities under international safeguards on condition that the NWS will provide access to peaceful nuclear technologies and work towards liquidating their nuclear stockpiles. The treaty also recognizes non-nuclear state right to peaceful uses of technology.The NPT has undoubtedly made great strides since its inception. The treaty has achieved almost universal membership with 191 members from just 43 members; established nuclear nonproliferation as a global norm; forestalled nuclear wars; and in a large part minimized proliferation of nuclear weapons. In light of the disavowal from outlier state (Pakistan, India, Israel, South Sudan); Koreas abrogation; NWSs flouting of set guideline; clandestine nuclear activities by rogue NNWS members and the surge in dangerous non-state actors many have argued that the NPT is on the verge failure.The bargain between the NWS and the NNWS is wearing thin and for good reason. NWS states unceasingly expanding their nuclear arsenals and seek to upgrade, modernize and develop new generation nuclear arms without any repercussion. Meanwhile the NNWS are chided and threatened with economic sanctions and military intervention if they attempt to build nuclear weapons. The NPT has therefore come to be viewed as a discriminatory instrument of subjugating NNWS due the double standards applied between the nuclear have and have nots. It is ludicrous for NWS states to criticize states for pursuing nuclear weapons yet the NWS funds the management and adva ncement of a new generation of nuclear weapons. The overall objective of the NPT is to convince the whole world that nukes have no military utility; it is therefore counteractive to produce nuclear weapons with improved military capabilities. Another loophole has presented itself in Article IV which allows for the peaceful use of nuclear technology. The line between nuclear energy and nuclear weaponry is blurred since the technology used is the same. To switch from peaceful to destructive use simply involves the process of enriching uranium. This loophole has been exploited by rogue states like Iran which maintains that its uranium enrichment program is consistent with article IV of the treaty. Furthermore the treaty fails to specify penalties for seceding or violating the treaty giving states like a Korea an option to circumvent the rules then leave the treaty once discovered. These grave loopholes coupled with procedural and structural challenges of the treaties enforcement body, threaten the legitimacy and viability of this forty five year old peace instrument that has so far provided a reasonable framework to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and safeguarded the world from the infamies of a nuclear attacks. Functions of United Nations in Arms Control and DisarmamentLewis and Thakur, assert that the UNs mandate for arms control and disarmament has rested on three pillars: norm, treaties and coercion. Karnes and Mingst contend that the UN has been very successful in developing norms and negotiating treaties. The taboo on the use of nuclear arm is one of the most firmly held and a salient norm that has over the course of the years been entrenched in both people and states to safeguard against the use of WMDs. Thakur and Lewis continue to narrowly describe the UNs functions on ...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Fundamentals of Expository Essay Outline Revealed
The Fundamentals of Expository Essay Outline Revealed Who Else Wants to Learn About Expository Essay Outline? The main aim of topic choice for a proposal essay is to demonstrate the idea can be put into place in practice. The reasons could be absolutely different. 1 option is actually the lack of the typical topic. Make a plan on what all points you're going to contain in your writing. The essential point is the fact that it should immediately bring in the interest of the readers. When writing the body paragraphs in your own personal experience essay, you need to make certain that the info is being written in a manner that's constructive to the total topic or prompt of your essay. For instance, you can pick a topic for elementary, middle, or higher school. With an idea about what an expository essay, it's also crucial to be aware that is more than 1 way strategy to writing the paper. Nevertheless, you always have to adhere to the structure or outline of the essay regardless of the pattern you are using in your writing for the reason that it includes the important elements of the structure including The introduction In the introductory portion of your essay, you must begin with hook and provide a context and background information of the topics. The very first area of the paper should hook your readers from the very first sentence. What's more, we guarantee your future paper is going to be done in compliance with the greatest academic standards, so be confident that applying for our help, you make the ideal alternative. Lies You've Been Told About Expository Essay Outline Below you'll find useful guidelines about how to finish an expository outline. To create a thriving outline, get inspired from examples it is easy to find online . Templates may be used for making CV, resume as a way to apply for jobs. There's, naturally, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Should you need assistance with essay writing, feel free to get in touch with our friendly support group or place an order and we'll gladly help you. If you would like to demonstrate the relationship between the ideas, you can write them down in a kind of a mind map, a table or a diagram. Totally free amendments As the ideal essay writing service, we would like you to feel absolutely happy about your purchase. The New Angle On Expository Essay Outline Just Released The reader will just be frightened after the very first paragraph and close your essay, disappointed in her or his own intellect. If you're interested in how to compose an expository essay step-by-step, then our guide will inform you the best way to do it right. The very first portion of your essay ought to be an introdu ction. Nowadays you know about the expository essay, how to select a topic for it, how to write this, and what mistakes to prevent. Floods are extremely dangerous even if you believe they aren't! If you require expository essay assist and don't know the best places to come across expository essay assistance and the way to compose an excellent expository essay, we'll be able to assist you. There are different kinds of exercises which give various outcomes. After selecting specific topics, evaluate every one of them to observe how meaningfully you're able to reveal it. Diet isn't the only thing which should be factored into a wholesome lifestyle. While writing an essay, it's important to structure it correctly. When you define an expository essay, you should figure out the way to disclose it. Although the expository essay ought to be clear and brief, it may also be vivid and appealing. If you don't compose an expository essay free and superior school essay.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Trial Period Before Marriage - 1670 Words
The Trial Period before Marriage PART A For many decades, cohabitation has been a common trend and is steadily on the rise, especially in the United States. It has been labeled â€Å"the norm†for couples to live together before marriage. Cohabitation has taken research into a new level and new research is evolving day by day with factors related to cohabitation first and marriage next. The types of research that is currently present in today’s society is information on cohabitation and economic factors, cohabitation and distress, cohabitation and divorce, adolescents’ expectations to cohabit and marry, and so much more. While most of the younger generation population would view cohabitation then marriage as normal, much of the research literature that is available today showcases that cohabitation hinders marriage negatively. This topic is of interest because within my generation of people, majority of family and friends cohabitate before getting married and so far about 75% of those marriages ha ve ended in divorce. Some of the marriages lasted up to five years and one as short lived as six months. I wanted to research in more detail what the major pros and cons were of cohabitation then marriage, since it’s something I see happening far too often and ending in a divorce. As research has shown, many couples have their own definition of what cohabitation means to them, which can surely alter future relationship goals and plans between the couple. In most articles,Show MoreRelatedCohabitation: A Trial Period Before Marraige? Essay883 Words  | 4 PagesCohabitation: A Trial Period before Marriage? Marriage can be a frightening thing for anyone. The act of marriage can bring fear such as commitment, as well as fears associated with living together and sharing everything. This, in turn, can lead to one or both parties feeling vulnerable. A common approach to calm these fears and vulnerabilities is cohabitation. For many, cohabitation can seem as a transition period for couples to adjust to living with each other before marriage. In fact, cohabitationRead MoreLiving Together Before Marriage1475 Words  | 6 Pagesgetter- Your daughter of 26 is fast approaching the average age for marriage in the United States. One day she tells you that she and her boyfriend are thinking about living together, and she wants to know if you think this is a good idea. What do you say? What is the informed response? Background- About a quarter of women move in with a romantic partner before the age of 20, and more women than ever live with a partner before they get married, according to a new report by the National Center forRead MoreCohabitation Between Cohabitation And Marriage1559 Words  | 7 PagesIn today’s society cohabitation before marriage has become more prominent than it was in past decades. Cohabitation simply means two individuals are living together unmarried. There are several agreements that support and oppose this topic because of the individuals’ different religion, ethic, and morality. Growing up, I frequently heard living together before marriage often leads to higher risks of divorce later on. As society changes, I believe that people have a different opinion of this beliefRead MoreMarriage and Weddings976 Words  | 4 Pagesthing though. It makes sense, as cohabitating is a good ‘trial period’ to marriage. If the trial period doesn’t go well , obviously the couple is not going to stay together and get married. So perhaps these unhappy cohabitating couples are not meant to last. This ‘trial period’ could prevent an unsavory divorce for many. In less modern times, cohabitating was not an option because it was frowned upon in society. This lead to many unhappy marriages with unrealistic expectations due to gender roles duringRead MoreEssay on Living Together Before Marriage961 Words  | 4 Pages Living Together Before Marriage As the rate of divorce soars and as increasing numbers of marriages disintegrate, living together has become the popular alternative to many people in north America. Expersts estimate that roughly 2.2 million people are currently sharing bed and board in a live-in arrangement, this is approximately 1% of the total population.(Family. Comptoms Encyclopedia. 1992 ed.) Living together, more formally known as non marital cohabitation, is an emerging lifestyleRead MoreLiving Together Before Marriage1011 Words  | 5 PagesLiving Together Before Marriage As the rate of divorce soars and as increasing numbers of marriages disintegrate, living together has become the popular alternative to many people in north America. Expersts estimate that roughly 2.2 million people are currently sharing bed and board in a live-in arrangement, this is approximately 1% of the total population.(Family. Comptoms Encyclopedia. 1992 ed.) Living together, more formally known as non marital cohabitation, is an emerging lifestyleRead MoreAlbert Of Austria, Queen Claude Of France And France1272 Words  | 6 Pagespromptement, Donnà ©s pour rà ©compense a eulx Belles paroles. Mot pour mot, c’est fait justement, Ung pour ung, aussi deulx pour deulx. Se devis ils font gracieulx, Respondà ©s gracieusement Belles paroles These same sentiments echo throughout women before Anne, like Pisan, and after, notably in the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft as a continued way to operate within the patriarchal society, with risk as an underlying theme. Each writer embraces this as survival, despite rejecting it as their modusRead MoreLive With Your Betrothed !955 Words  | 4 PagesLive with your Betrothed! When it comes down to the question about marriage, family values come into question at one point or another, if not immediately. But in today’s society our values have changed from the standards that were set when the concept of marriage was founded. In traditional times it was expected that the man would court the woman for many years before settling down and asking for her hand in marriage. But, in the world today that process has changed severely. But in the midst ofRead More Bloody Mary Essay916 Words  | 4 PagesI, Queen of England was a very prominent figure in European history. Her reign as queen was filled with many trials and tribulations that were not accepted by most of England. Many of Mary’s rash decisions were most likely do to her upbringing and her lack of will power. Whether it is being declared a bastard as a young child by her tyrannical father, Henry VIII, or her marriage to Phillip of Spain, Mary was easily influenced by others and it showed as she grew older and took over the thrownRead MoreThe Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston1595 Words  | 7 PagesJanie the Feminist The novel â€Å"The Eyes Were Watching God†by Zora Neale Hurston takes place in the Harlem Renaissance period where African American culture exploded in the United States. Slavery has been abolished which gives more rights to black men, leaving women to fill the position as a modern slave. This was a period of such suppression of woman that they were treated as if they were brainless property, much like slaves. Janie refuses to succumb to society s standards of how woman should
Friday, May 15, 2020
Television - 4467 Words
I did this to make an account Television is a telecommunication medium that is used for transmitting and receiving moving images and sound. Television can transmit images that are monochrome, in color, or in three dimensions. The word television comes . Television may also refer specifically to a television set, television program, or television transmission. First commercially available in very crude form on an experimental basis in the late 1920s, then popularized in greatly improved form shortly after World War II, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for entertainment, advertising, and news. During the 1950s, television became the primary medium for molding†¦show more content†¦The holes were spaced at equal angular intervals such that, in a single rotation, the disk would allow light to pass through each hole and onto a light-sensitive selenium sensor which produced the electrical pulses. As an image was focused on the rotating disk, each hole captured a horizontal slice of the entire image. Nipkows design was not practical until advances in amplifier tube technology became available. Later designs used a rotating mirror-drum scanner to capture the image and a cathode ray tube as a display device, but moving images were still not possible due to the poor sensitivity of the selenium sensors. In 1907, Russian scientist Boris Rosing became the first inventor to use a CRT in the receiver of an experimental television system. He used mirror-drum scanning to transmit simple geometric shapes to the CRT. Using a Nipkow disk, Scottish inventor John Logie Baird successfully demonstrated the transmission of moving silhouette images in London in 1925 and of moving, monochromatic images in 1926. Bairds scanning disk produced an image of 30 lines resolution, just enough to discern a human face, from a double spiral of lenses. This demonstration by Baird is generally agreed to be the worlds first true demonstration of TV, albeit a mechanical form no longer in use. Remarkably, in 1927, Baird also invented the worlds first video recording system, Phonovision; because the signalShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Television On The Television Industry Essay1524 Words  | 7 Pagessignificant changes to the medium of television. The current position of television, defined by Lotz as the ‘post-network’ era, illustrates an evolution from these early industry practices. For the most part, scholars agree that this transition was caused by changes in the industrial norms of producing, finan cing, and distributing television, many of which can be attributed to the arrival of digital technologies. This essay will argue that these changes throughout the television industry have created a newRead MoreThe Effects Of Television On Television Messages1311 Words  | 6 PagesCultivation theory suggests that exposure to television messages can be an important factor influencing the behavior of individuals who spend a significant amount of time with the medium (Gerbner, 1969; Shanahan Morgan, 1999) History George Gerbner, in 1976, founded the Cultural Indicators project, which estimated that the average American child will have watched 8,000 murders on television by the age of twelve. Gerbner is so alarmed about the baneful effects of TV that he describes them in termsRead MoreDifferences Between Television And Television1346 Words  | 6 PagesShould Know About TV Aerials|Learn More About TV Aerials} {In the modern world, televisions are almost a necessity to keep us informed about daily happenings in the regions where we come from and for entertainment.|Today, televisions are so important in our lives that they are almost necessities because they keep us up to date with news from our regions and they offer great entertainment.|In our world today, televisions have gained so much regard that they are almost being termed a necessity becauseRead MoreTelevision : Violence And Television1187 Words  | 5 PagesViolence and television We live in a society where violence is globalized through films and advertisements. The individual American is exposed to 200,000 advertisements in a day, where Hollywood films portray violence as entertainment and fun, films where bullies and gangs stand out as role models, on the other hand, Hollywood is the main reason kids think, violence is cool and fun. Growing up in a home where I was the youngest boy child in the family. I grew up watching television with my olderRead MoreTelevision And The Future Of Television Essay1266 Words  | 6 PagesWhat do we really mean by television? The way we watch television has drastically changed over the last fifteen years due to new technologies such as digital television and services providing on-demand access. These drastic changes have had a huge effect on viewers and have â€Å"allowed online streaming platforms to dominate and revolutionize the way the audience consumes†(Aliloupour) media, ultimately allowing the viewer to be in total control of how, when and where they want their content. The ideaRead MoreTelevision : Television And Public Consumption2331 Words  | 10 Pagesrange. Many have grasped the new technologies that exist but have a bias towards watching entertainment as they have always done via the television. To provide entertainment that will encompass the younger generation brought up on evolving technologies and are hooked into maintaining an online presence via smartphone and tablet technologies, broadcast television have made programmes such as the x-factor, big brother that allow for social media interactivity. On average a person in the age range 15-34Read MoreThe Writers Of The Television870 Words  | 4 PagesSince the creation of the television, thousands of sitcoms have been created. Most spend a few years on the air and are quickly forgotten after they have ended. Very few TV shows paved the way for what television is today and, after spending ten years on the air, Friends is one of those few. Friends was so groundbreaking because of its unique writing, its cast chemistry, and its ability to resonate with the people in its era. Friends consists of six friends, Joey, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, MonicaRead MoreEssay on Television665 Words  | 3 Pages The impact that television (A.K.A.- TV) has had on mankind in the last 50 years, is rivaled by few other inventions throughout modern history. Recently television has been given a bad wrap, seen by many people as a cruel invention, a boob-tube; mesmerizing and brainwashing its viewers. People have forgotten TV is an educational and entertaining tool used in the everyday lives of people around the world. Without TV and its many advantages where would the world be at this very moment, certainlyRead MoreTelevision in Society600 Words  | 2 Pages Synthesis Essay Television, a widely accepted form of media and communication, has spread into the political world with an amazing speed. There are both useful and detrimental aspects to this newfound relationship between television and politics. Sources A and E describe the more useful aspects of television within the political sphere, whereas Sources B and C portray the contrastingly detrimental aspects. Television has become useful in keeping the public informed as to public issues, politicalRead MoreHistory of Television4138 Words  | 17 PagesHISTORY OF TELEVISION The television has become such an integral part of homes in the modern world that it is hard to imagine life without television. The boob tube, as television is also referred to, provides entertainment to people of all ages. Not just for entertainment value, but TV is also a valuable resource for advertising and different kinds of programming. The television as we see it and know it today was not always this way. Let’s take a brief look at the history of television and how
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparison Between Android And Ios - 1248 Words
COMPARISON BETWEEN ANDROID AND IOS Research paper By RETINENI DAYAKAR Student ID: 515480 Subject: BA-501 MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONS Current Quarter: Summer 2016 Professor: Dr. Gaylon R Crawford, Ph.D California university of Management and Sciences (CALUMS) Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. ANDROID 3 2.1 History 3 2.2 Android Versions 4 3. IOS 5 3.1 History 6 3.2 Versions 6 4.0 Market shares 7 5.0 Security 8 6.0 CONCLUSION 8 7.0 REFERENCES 8 1. INTRODUCTION Today’s Mobile phones are capable of doing multiple things at one’s which includes business and personal use. Mobile phone Operating system is software used in the mobile phones which determine the features and functions of the system/device such as, text, talk, surfing the internet, video calls etc. Presently in today’s market, we have two well-known mobile phone operating systems such as Android and IOS. Because of their popularity in the market, I’ll compare the difference between them and market shares, development, security etc. 2. ANDROID Android is an operating system used to deliver full functional solutions for mobile phones and tablets. There are some features which offered by android such we can perform multiple tasks at a time, external storage capacity, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G, camera, GPS, etc. 2.1 History Android Inc. was established by Andy RubinShow MoreRelatedComparing Apple iOS and Google Operating Systems756 Words  | 3 PagesAndroid vs. iOS: Feature Comparison Introduction The intent of this analysis is to define the differences between the Apple iOS and Google Android operating systems, in addition to discussing the newest features for each. The Pros and Cons of each operating system are discussed, in addition to a chart of relative market share on smartphone and tablet PCs. In addition to relative market share, the number of application downloads will also be shown. Analysis Of Differences Between Android And AppleRead MoreAndroid Vs. Iphone.1223 Words  | 5 PagesAndroid vs. iPhone It’s been seven years since the start of the controversy over Androids and Apple’s iPhone. I’ve never seen so much of a craze between the two. Although different phone brands carry the android software and Apple carries the one and only iOS software for iPhones, they both take over the tech side of the world with there being such a comparison in the two software’s. If we explore opinions from Android users and iPhone users, you’ll find that they are very fond of the phone thatRead MoreEmergence Of Smartphone Technology : 4 Essay3383 Words  | 14 Pagesand Device Speed 6 Operating System 6 Storage Memory 6 Applications 6 Connectivity 7 Location Services: 7 Miscellaneous 7 Different OS in the Market: 7 Story of Apple and Samsung 7 Introduction about Android and iOS 8 Android by Google 8 iOS by Apple 8 Market Share Comparison 8 Technical Comparison: 9 The Application Store: 9 Power Management: 9 Memory Management 9 Security 9 GPS- Global Positioning System 11 Related Ethical Issues 11 Bibliography: 12 Introduction The Smartphone market is emergingRead MoreMobile Technology : A Technological Advancement2376 Words  | 10 Pagesinterest for the origin of application software, but the numbers of people have increased slowly. 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By quantifying usability using systemRead MoreHow Smartphone Has Activated Surprizing Competition Among Technology Like Symbian, Google And Iphone Operating System From Apple3697 Words  | 15 PagesAbstract: The expanding significance of Smartphone has activated surprizing competition among technology like Symbian, Google, Microsoft and Apple. This Paper exhibits a brief survey and correlation of the Android operating System from Google and iPhone operating System from Apple. The Comparison is done on the premise of their platform, their performances and the development in mobile area. I – INTRODUCTION Mobile Phones have turned into a part of human s daily life. There are more than six BillionsRead MoreSeminar: Smartphone Review Essay2464 Words  | 10 Pageswhere both these smart phones are in high demand and they are happy all use. There are now saying that the two smart phones have own strength. 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And The Launch Of Android1774 Words  | 8 Pages The Major Event, IPhone Boom! And the Launch of Android In 2007, the remote business took a dramatic turn. While aficionados and non-endeavor clients had discovered different uses for their cell phones than email and work, the primary capacity of such gadgets was keeping representatives inside of scope and joined far from the work area. Cell phones were principally utilized for correspondence and light Web searching on the train. That was all set to change when Apple declared the iPhone inRead MoreThe Brand of Mobile Phone Using Android Os5271 Words  | 22 PagesContent What is Android OS? 3 Founder amp; Background of Company 4-5 The Brand of Mobile Phone Using Android OS 6 -8 Functions amp; Features of Android OS 9amp;10 Advantages and Weakness of Android OS 11 Comparison of Operating System 12-14 Conclusion 15 Reference 16amp;17 Appendix 18-22 Executive Summary In the first place, the purpose of this assignment is to introduce about what is Android operating system. In 2005, the initial developer of the software, Android Inc acquired
Individuality in the Crucible - 1063 Words
Individuality versus Conformity in Miller s The Crucible The theocratic town of Salem, in the late 1600s, not only advocated conformity but stifled individuality. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, illustrates the conflict between conformity and individuality. Salem, a town dependent on the unity and participation, understandably teaches people from a young age to recognize the needs of the community as greater than the needs of an individual. As any unit needs something to hold it all together, Salem forces unity and social conformity through religion. Coincidentally, religion in Salem acts as the judicial system as well, making it particularly hard for individuals to rebel against the practices of the church. Therefor all†¦show more content†¦It is understandable that the young girls decide to go out in secret and dance and act silly to release all the pressure put on by society. When society labels such activities as â€Å"abominations†or â€Å"vain enjoyme nt†the girls have no other choice but blame others for their abominable behavior out of fear of punishment. If the girls were able to express their own individuality or as the people call â€Å"vain enjoyment,†the girls would not feel the need to hide their acts in the forest making it seem like their acts are shameful. In addition with a moderate amount of freedom for self-expression, the girls would not feel the same need to rebel and act out in secret. Essentially the girls truly desire freedom from judgment. Lastly, individuality allows for change and progress so that a community can grow and improve. The rules and regulations of the church need to fit the community and develop with the community as it grows, not limit its growth. Furthermore, when person goes off track it is important to have the ability to change and redirect his course to the correct path. Similarly (?)in the town of Salem, the people abuse the court system accusing innocent people of crime l eft and right leading the courts away from dealing justice. Because Judge Danforth views the law as inflexible he is not able to correct the path of justice. John Proctor is furious with the way the court system is running he says that â€Å"vengeance is walking is SalemShow MoreRelatedIndividuality Vs. Conformity In Arthur Millers The Crucible928 Words  | 4 PagesThe Crucible American playwright, Arthur Miller, in his play The Crucible, implies that witch hunts still exist in American society. Miller supports this claim by drawing parallels between the Salem Witch Trials and the Senator Joseph Mccarthy Trials. His purpose is to warn his readers of the dangers of mass hysteria. He uses emotional appeals and logic to convince the reader that mass â€Å"hunts†are still a danger to Americans today. The central way, however, that Miller achieves his topmost goalRead MoreAnalytical Essay for the Crucible by Arthur Miller937 Words  | 4 Pagesessay for The Crucible by Arthur Miller The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an interpretation of the Salem witch trials of 1692 in Puritan Massachusetts in which religion, justice, individuality and dignity play a vital role. These factors define the characteristics of many of the most significant characters in the play. Some of them being John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale, Danforth and many others. The Salem witch trials were a result of the lack of expression of individuality and the factRead MoreCorrupt Government Lies In 1984 And The Crucible1496 Words  | 6 PagesAll governments lie. It is the duty of the individual to uncover the truth. George Orwell and Arthur Miller warn the readers of the dangers when a corrupt government lies to their citizens to preserve their power in their texts, 1984 and The Crucible. Through their characters, the authors portray the conflict between the State’s propensity to lie and the individual’s desire for truth. Orwell depicts Winston Smith fighting against th e â€Å"lies†of the party through the use of literary techniques suchRead More Literary Comparison Of A Clock Essay1743 Words  | 7 Pages A Literary Comparison Of A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The existence of evil in the world is a universal question that is often contemplated. Anthony Burgess and Arthur Miller in their novels A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible address this question of evil. One of these stories is set in the future, and the other in the past confirming the belief that the human struggle between good and evil is timeless and applies to every person in society. Throughout historyRead MoreThe Crucible with Related Text865 Words  | 4 Pagessecurity. One belongs to a group, a family, a unit, and one can also be isolated from groups and rejected from communities. Through analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the feature article, A Dangerous mind offers an insight into the concept of belonging as it is presented and substantiated through the use of literary devices. In The Crucible, belonging is explored through a theme of persecution, whereby one must conform to the rules of society in order to belong. The alternative is ali/enationRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne And John Proctor From The Crucible By Arthur Miller1585 Words  | 7 PagesIndividuality versus Society Since the beginning of society, people have battled over personal liberty and individual rights versus the duty of the government to regulate society. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Arthur Miller both wrote about these conflicts. Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and John Proctor from The Crucible by Arthur Miller shared the same attributes and feelings towards things that affected their reputations. Both characters from the novels lived in the PuritanRead MoreEssay On Conformity In The Crucible988 Words  | 4 Pagesplay, The Crucible; a story of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. In this case, because people conformed to what people around them were saying and doing--accusing people of witchcraft and executing them--twenty two lives were lost. After considering how the events of The Crucible portray conformity and the place in society conformity occupies, it becomes quite clear that conformity, while it has it virtues, can result in many societal issues that can be easily addressed. In The Crucible, almost allRead MoreThe Crucible - Belonging Essay1644 Words  | 7 PagesThey struggle with their identity as they make the choice whether to reject the individuality and belong to a community or group. When individuals seek to belong and rigidly follow society’s norms and practices, they must adhere to the strict rules of their society. In doing do, the desire to belong comes into conflict with the need to be an individual. These ideas are powerfully evident in Arthur Miller’s play â€Å"The Crucible†, â€Å"Catcher in the Rye†by J.D Salinger and the Gurinder Chadha film â€Å"Bend itRead More The Problems of Individuallity and Conformity Within a Society1688 Words  | 7 Pagespersecution and express their thoughts and opinions. This founding principle led American society to pull away from conformity and pushes for individuality. Many family TV shows and several media outlets propagate individuality as a source of pride and evi dence of personal growth. In the American society, children are taught at a young age that individuality creates personality. However, as an individual grows, they are forced to choice sides on issues, thus placing them in a position where they mustRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, The Crucible, And King s Letter From Birmingham Jail1733 Words  | 7 PagesMiller’s The Crucible, and King’s â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail†Humans have a natural tendency to conform to each other; they strive to fit in with their community and to blend in with the crowd, undoubtedly because modern society seems to have put everyone on a leash. Its harsh judgment and constant pressure forces everyone to follow each other around like sheep  compliant  staying in line in fear of the repercussions. Likewise, in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Crucible by Arthur
Education in Ancient Greek and Rome. Modern Education and Its Theories free essay sample
According to the the journal published by the Institute of Education, at Yale University, education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another. Many people agree that formal education has its roots in ancient Greece with Socrates, and then past to other civilizations, others credit Roma. It is not our intention to say who land may be considered the motherland of education, but to answer questions such as: How was education in ancient times? What is the impact ancient civilizations have had in modern education? What contribution did they make to education in our days? Part I Ancient Greek education. The goal of education in the Greek city-states was to prepare children for adult activities as a citizen. Greece was divided in city-states and two of them developed a high level in education: Sparta and Athens. The nature of the city-states varied greatly, and this was also true of the education they considered appropriate. Both daily life and education were very different in Sparta and Athens or in the other ancient Greek city-states. Sparta. The goal of education in Sparta, an authoritarian, military city-state, was to produce soldier-citizens. â€Å"The purpose of education was to produce a well-drilled, well-disciplined marching army. Spartans believed in a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity. Spartans were educated to be fierce warriors, Spartan military force was regarded as terrifying. Bennet, Allan (2006, page. 135) Athens. On the other hand, the goal of education in Athens, a democratic city-state, was to produce citizens trained in the arts of both, peace and war. Spartans and Athenians had school to train children for them to become citizens, they were trained separately, boys were educated at school to become strong warriors, while girls were educated at home. †Å"Athenians were trained in war, gymnastics, arts, music, philosophy, geometry, astronomy, harmonics (the mathematical theory of music), and arithmetic, primarily oratory and rhetoric. †Bennet, Allan. 2006, page 203) Greece contributed greatly to our education specially in fields such as: philosophy, rhetoric, art, architecture and mathematics. Part II ROME. In the early Roman society, before the 6th century B. C. children were taught by their parents. The mothers taught their sons before the age of seven, they taught their daughters to do housework and anything else the mothers thought might be useful. After the age of seven, boys moved under the control of their fathers who would decide what his son needed to know in order to succeed in life, and would give his son lessons. They received both, latin and greek education but only children from the wealthiest families would receive a fully bi-lingual education, they spent a lot of time with a Greek servant or slave and therefore would learn Greek before Latin, they also learned to read and write, again with Greek coming before Latin. the poor in Ancient Rome did not receive a formal education, but, many still learned to read and write. Romans borrowed some of the ancient Greek system of education, they read scrolls and books,they wrote on boards covered with wax, and used pebbles to do math problems. They were taught Roman numerals, and recited lessons they had memorized, attended Grammar classes to studY Latin, Greek, grammar, literature and public speaking at the rhetoric school, to prepare them for a life as an orator. The contributions of ancient Rome to education are more in the field of arts such like architecture, painting and latin language. Part III From ancient time to modern. Modern western education finds its origins in the practices, systems and schools of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Joyal, Mark. Greek and Roman Education: A Sourcebook G. J. Reece, American University, Choice, Vol. 46, No. 09, May 2009. Education has developed throught years and many theories have been formulated. Modern education is closely related to psychology and most of the theories on education come from psychologists,the followings are some: Pragmatism:developed by John Dewey, cosidered the father of modern education, states that the meaning of a proposition is to be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that impractical ideas are to be rejected. Behaviorism : primarily developed by B. F. Skinner who stated that environment shapes behavior and the way people learn. Cognitivism: states that the memory system is an active organized processor of information and that prior knowledge plays an important role in learning. Constructivism: views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience. Socio-cultural psychology: founded by Lev Vygotsky. A basic distinguishing feature of cultural-historical psychology is that the species-specific characteristic of human beings is their need and ability to inhabit an environment transformed by the activity of prior members of their species. Psychodynamic theory: developed by Sigmund Freud. Is the systematized study and theory of the psychological forces that underlie human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between unconscious and conscious motivation.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Portrait Of The Artist As Young Man (1090 words) Essay Example For Students
Portrait Of The Artist As Young Man (1090 words) Essay Portrait Of The Artist As Young ManReligion is an important and recurring theme in James Joyces A Portrait of theArtist as a Young Man. Through his experiences with religion, Stephen Dedalusboth matures and progressively becomes more individualistic as he grows. Thoughreared in a Catholic school, several key events lead Stephen to throw off theyoke of conformity and choose his own life, the life of an artist. Religion iscentral to the life of Stephen Dedalus the child. He was reared in a strict, ifnot harmonious, Catholic family. The severity of his parents, trying to raisehim to be a good Catholic man, is evidenced by statements such as, Pullout his eyes/ Apologise/ Apologise/ Pull out his eyes. This strictconformity shapes Stephens life early in boarding school. Even as he isfollowing the precepts of his Catholic school, however, a disillusionmentbecomes evident in his thoughts. The priests, originally above criticism ordoubt in Stephens mind, become symbols of intolerance. Chief to these thoughtsis Father Dolan, whose statements such as, Lazy little schemer. I seeschemer in your face, exemplify the type of attitude Stephen begins toassociate with his Catholic teachers. By the end of Chapter One, Stephensindividualism and lack of tolerance for disrespect become evident when hecomplains to the rector about the actions of Father Dolan. His confused attitudeis clearly displayed by the end of the chapter when he says, He was happyand free: but he would not be anyway proud with Father Dolan. He would be verykind and obedient: and he wished that he could do something kind for him to showhim that he was not proud. Stephen still has respect for his priests, buthe has lost his blind sense of acceptance. As Stephen grows, he slowly butinexorably distances himself from religion. His life becomes one concerned withpleasing his friends and family. However, as he matures he begins to feel lostand hopeless, stating, He saw clearly too his own futile isolation. He hadnot gone one step nearer the lives he had sought to approach nor bridged therestless shame and rancor that divided him from mother and brother andsister. It is this very sense of isolation and loneliness that leads toStephens encounter with the prostitute, where, He wanted to sin withanother of his kind, to force another being to sin with him and to exult withher in sin. He wants to be loved, but the nearest thing he can find isprostitution. In the aftermath of this encounter and the numerous subsequentencounters, a feeling of guilt and even more pronounced loneliness begins toinvade Stephens being. Chapter Three represents the turning point of the novel,for here Stephen turns his life around. After the sermon on sin and hell,Stephen examines his soul and sees the shape it is in, wondering, Why washe kneeling there like a child saying his evening prayers? To be alone with hissoul, to examine his conscience, to meet his sins face to face, to recall theirtimes and manners and circumstances, to weep over them. Religion pushesits way suddenly and unexpectedly back into Stephens life. After his confessionat the end of Chapter Three, he begins to lead a life nearly as devout as thatof his Jesuit teachers and mentors. Even as he leads this life, however, shadesof his former self are obliquely evident through statements such as, Thisidea had a perilous attraction for his mind now that he felt his soul beset onceagain by the insistent voices of the flesh which began to murmur to him againduring his prayers and meditations. .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a , .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .postImageUrl , .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a , .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:hover , .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:visited , .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:active { border:0!important; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:active , .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u751b971169b4f0265ae7cb007250272a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Brave New World And The Giver: Similar Yet Differe Essay Here it is evident that, even as hislife becomes more and more devout, he can never lead the perfect and sinlesslife of the Jesuit. The offer of a position as a priest is met by memories ofhis childhood at Clongowes and thoughts such as, He wondered how he wouldpass the first night in the novitiate and with what dismay he would wake thefirst morning in the dormitory. Stephen realizes that the clerical collarwould be too tight for him to wear. A walk on the beach confirms this thought inStephens mind through the statement, Heavenly God! cried Stephens soulin an outburst of profane joy. The sight of a woman and the knowledgethat, as a priest, he could not even talk to her, finally convinces Stephen toabandon religion.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Tell Tale Heart Essay Topics
Tell Tale Heart Essay TopicsOnce you have entered the 'school-girl life' phase in your essay writing, the list of possible tell tale heart essay topics gets shorter. While the composition of a literary essay might begin with the broad topic or theme, the flesh of the idea is inside that tight-lipped young lady. In short, you need to know what makes her tick, otherwise she may turn your careful study of the general topic into a disaster. A lot of the essay topics you've considered in the past will be missing from your prospect.You may want to just use the main topic of the first paragraph. If the topic pertains to the heroine's connection to the 'big picture' of your composition, then a five-paragraph statement about the 'general situation' might be all you need. If the story focuses on one aspect of the story, like the death of the hero's sister, the effect will be different from the effect of a four-paragraph analysis of the relationship between the three main characters. Depending on the character, a five-paragraph description of the person's behavior can work. Think about how your audience will interpret your descriptions as they move through the article.What about the 'little things' that make the hero or main character tick? Some tell tale heart essays don't take an issue of characters and turn it into an issue of behavior. Instead, the character comes across as the personification of behavior. Consider whether you want to focus on one of those behavioral qualities for the main character or if the issue is a little behavior mixed with something else.Do we give importance to how people react to events or are we more interested in the way they think? The former is often not included in a classic essay topic but will give you more leeway with your idea. The essay subject might have a fundamental answer but because the character's reaction to events may be one of the greatest parts of the essay, it should be the central theme. When you find yourself, as a read er, deeply engaged with a character, include that character as the center of your writing.Self-assessment is the key to success in any type of writing. As an editor, we want to see improvement throughout the project, not just in a finished product. You can do this yourself but you'll always be at risk of human error. As a proofreader, we can help ensure your improvements are noted.We love it when we read an essay that works in a more academic setting, such as in the business world, but we cringe when we read one that works outside of the business world. It's hard to compete with the generalizations we encounter. We want to assure you that your compositions will be accepted everywhere, but it can't be guaranteed.The most important thing to remember when submitting articles to a website, magazine, or book for the tell tale heart essay topics you're seeking is that these are often lengthy, high quality pieces. Remember to view them as a prelude to a full-length piece. Take a page from the college professor's playbook by including something that grabs the reader's attention. If you have your general ideas down, then you might just grab the reader's attention with a clever sketch of the important characters and their relationship to the story.The thesis statement and the idea will guide the essay topic. Your assignment is to set it up. And when the time comes for you to set the scene, bring it all together in one place. By doing this, you'll be making sure you retain the thesis statement, which will help guide the rest of the essay to the next step of telling a story.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
When To Use or Omit Subject Pronouns in Spanish
When To Use or Omit Subject Pronouns in Spanish Subject pronouns in Spanish are a lot like medicine - theyre often essential, but their use should be avoided when theyre not necessary. Overuse of subject pronouns - the equivalent of words such as he, she and they - is common among English speakers learning Spanish. Its important to remember that in Spanish the verb forms often make subject pronouns unnecessary, and when thats the case the pronouns shouldnt be used unless theres a reason to. When To Not Use Subject Pronouns Here is a sampling of sentences where pronouns are unnecessary. In all these examples, the context or verb forms make clear who is performing the action of the verb. Voy al supermercado. I am going to the supermarket. (The verb voy can refer only to the person speaking.) ¿Adà ³nde vas? Where are you going? (The verb vas necessarily refers to the person being spoken to.)Roberto no est en casa.  ¿Fue al supermercado? Roberto isnt at home. Did he go to the supermarket? (Standing alone, the second sentence might be unclear about who the subject is. But in context, it is obvious that Roberto is being referred to.)Nieva. It is snowing. (Nevar, the verb for to snow, is used only in the third-person singular form and doesnt need an accompanying subject.) What Are the Subject Pronouns? Of course, not all sentences will be as clear as those are without explicit reference to the subject. Here are the subject pronouns in Spanish with their English equivalents: yo - Ità º - you (informal or familiar singular)usted - you (formal singular)à ©l, ella - he, shenosotros, nosotras - we (the first form refers to a group of males or males and females, while the second form refers to females only)vosotros, vosotras - you (informal or familiar plural; the first form refers to a group of males or males and females, while the second form refers to females only; this pronoun is seldom used in most parts of Latin America)ustedes - you (formal plural)ellos, ellas - they (the first form refers to a group of males or males and females, while the second form refers to females only) See the lesson on tà º and usted for distinguishing which form of you should be used. Note that there is no pronoun listed for it as a subject; in sentences where wed use the subject it in English, the use of the third-person verb nearly always makes a pronoun unnecessary. When To Use Subject Pronouns To avoid ambiguity: Context doesnt always make clear who the subject is, and some verb forms are ambiguous. Yo tenà a un coche. (I had a car. Out of context, tenà a could mean I had, you had, he had or she had. If the context makes the subjects clear, the pronouns normally wouldnt be used.) Juan y Marà a son alumnos. Él estudia mucho. (John and Mary are students. He studies a lot. Without the pronoun, it is impossible to tell whom the second sentence refers to.) For emphasis: In English, unlike Spanish, we often use verbal stress to emphasize a pronoun. For example, if a strong emphasis is placed on the I in I am going to the supermarket, the understood meaning of the sentence might be I (and not somebody else) am going to the supermarket or possibly I am going to the supermarket (and Im proud of myself). In Spanish, one could similarly add an emphasis by using the grammatically unnecessary pronoun: Yo voy al supermercado. Similarly, haz tà º lo que tà º quieres could be understood as you do what you want (and see if I care). Change of subject: When contrasting two subjects, the pronouns are frequently used. Yo estudio y à ©l escucha el està ©reo. Im studying and hes listening to the stereo. Nosotros somos pobres, pero à ©l es rico. (Were poor, but hes rich.) Note that in English you might use intonation - putting stress on were and hes - to add emphasis. But such stress in Spanish would be unnecessary, as using the pronouns takes care of adding the emphasis. Usted and ustedes: Even where not strictly necessary, usted and ustedes are sometimes included and can add a degree of politeness.  ¿Cà ³mo est (usted)? How are you? Espero que (ustedes) vayan al cine. I hope you are going to the movies.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Experience with application of theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Experience with application of theory - Essay Example Indeed, it is known in psychology that most people believe in their own personal experience so much that they ignore findings of research, even if the underlying scientific evidence is very compelling (Knapp 1999, p.ix). But after all, this is not always a bad thing that we channel all events in our lives through our personal psychological filters, if we can use this term. What is important, though, that we do not lose the ability to see connections between our experiences and the strict psychological theories that attempt to structure and categorize different elements of our everyday goings-on. In this light, I will try to see how a real-life communication event that I have experienced can be interpreted and analyzed using such aspects of communication theory pertaining to interpersonal communication as the cognitive processing and mechanisms related to the psychological influence. The event that I am about to deal with is the story of friendship between me and my boyfriend Greg, and our friends Andrea and Dany, who have been themselves a couple. In fact, before we met with Greg, Dany had been his good friend, and I, in my turn, had been friends with Andrea. Perhaps it was not really surprising that after I and Greg started going out with each other, it was not long before Andrea and Dany also got acquainted. Soon, they became a couple too, and our friendship obtained a kind of a social symmetry, and perhaps due to that fact grew so that we were spending more time together that we had used to before. As I can clearly see now, by that moment our perception of each other changed and I stopped thinking of Andrea and Dany as of friends who were not completely fitting the lifestyle of me and Greg, for example because before I tended to be worried to let Greg and Dany go out together to some parties because I knew that Dany could be provoking Greg for, well, some ba chelor deeds. On the other hand, I suspect that when I wanted to spend some time with Andrea Greg could be a bit jealous that he was not always able to share the interest in topics which were of concern to us. Now, it does not mean that the mentioned factors completely disappeared after the relationship between Andrea and Dany started. But since that time I began to perceive Dany as a responsible person, and Greg, in his turn, became apparently much more easy about the time that I was spending without him with Andrea. The mentioned changes in attitudes that occurred in me, in my boyfriend, and in our friends already testify to the validity of one of the psychological mechanisms that acts during interpersonal communication and is described by the psychological approach termed constructivism. In general, constructivism belongs to the realm of study of cognitive processing that in psychology investigates information processing as a phenomenon underlying our psychological mechanisms and functions. In its turn, constructivism advances some concepts about the way people learn something and internalize new knowledge on basis of their experiences. One of the plausible mechanisms of learning is enabled by accommodation and assimilation. Assimilation takes place in situations when experiences of people coincide with their internal perception of the world, and therefore new experiences fit into our existing world views. Accommodation happens when there
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Find your own topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Find your own topic - Essay Example Some of these responses include the company giving no response to the situation in the hope that it dies down by itself. The corporate can also deny about the knowledge of such a crisis happening. However, this can have severe consequences on the image of the company and the best way to tackle this is to attend to the situation. The firm can be civil and offer an excuse for the crisis occurring as a small mistake that will be rectified in due time. The acknowledgement of the crisis being there by the firm and consenting to be the root cause of the crisis but offering an argument that the severity of the crisis is small compared to how it has been portrayed is another response that the corporate can give. The firm may also agree to the severity of the crisis and accept responsibility. These are the various ways through which a company will respond, and are believed to be the most effective in such a situation. Only few circumstances test a company’s image in the eyes of the public or its competency than crisis. When a crisis happens in a company whether its implications are immediate or take several days or months and even years, it affects stakeholders within and outside the company. The implications of this crisis are severe and can lead to the fall of a corporate and business. Some of these may be that customers will cancel any orders that they may have made. Employees of a company will also raise hard questions on the management of the business and even the handling of a crisis by the management. The directors also have to answer some questions while competitors also sense a great deal of an opportunity to take over and even benefit from the crisis. A crisis will not offer itself as a conventional management practice. Some of the various ways to deal with any form of a crisis may not actually work in the conventional
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Scientific method Essay Example for Free
Scientific method Essay Empiricism is the theory that experience is of primary importance in giving us knowledge of the world. Whatever we learn in this world, we learn through perception using our senses, according to empiricists. Knowledge without experience with the possible exception of trivial semantic and logic truths, is impossible (‘theory of knowledge’). It is often opposed to with rationalism which is knowledge is attributed to reason independently from the senses. (Galvin, 2012) The tabula rasa or idea of the mind being a blank tablet as the independent observer is completely passive and should not attempt to influence the delivery of data first came from Aristotle (Galvin, 2012). Empirical methods reports the results of a study that uses data derived from actual observation or experiment used in ‘fields to allow testing’ and can be a substitute of anything that can allow theory to emerge from data (Cahill, 2012). There are two commonly known ways of collecting data which is 1. quantifying which is using numerical data or data that can be converted into numbers 2. qualitatively is exploring issues that raise questions that can be answered by a verbal analysis as they cannot be measured or do not require measurement (‘explorable. com’) The article that will be contextualized in this essay is the Ward et al. (2007) paper which is ‘Living and working in an urban class communities’. The paper interviews 141 carers with at least one dependent child in three contrasting areas in London and Manchester with the main focus on Wythenshawe. There are many authors in the creation of this journal who have their own individual contribution as well as collective input using other references. Kevin Ward is a political economist in Human Geography in Manchester, with interests in urban politics and policy (‘Manchester academic’). Collette Fagan is a research director of Social Science in Manchester University (Manchester academic’). Linda McDowell is a Professor of Human Geography at Oxford. She is of particular interest to this journal as she is an economic geographer interested in the connections between economic restructuring, labour market change and class and gender divisions in Great Britain (‘Oxford geography academic’). Diane Perrons is a Professor of Economic Geography and gender studies (‘London school of economics’) with Kath Ray being involved in Senior Research in a social policy group specialising in qualitative research (‘Policy studies institude’). The status that this journal obtains is that of economic, social and cultural structure in society of how low-income mothers cope, live and labour in a rapidly changing city as they preform paid work at the same time as ensuring social reproductions in the household. It is based on a working-class rank in society with the aims such as to draw attention to the lives of people in working class communities in order to address the imbalance caused by the rash of middle class studies and to emphasise the role played by mothers and their mothers in the everyday reproduction of households and communities (Ward et al. , 2007, pp. 314). It can be argued that the theme of the journal is the traditional economic structure of women shaping decisions around whether to preform paid work or conform themselves to caring duties. Given the authors roles as geographers and researchers, the content of the journal adapts well to the authors taking into account that it covers aspects in which they specialise in. An example of one author, Linda McDowell has been ‘at the forefront in the development of feminist perspectives on contemporary social and economic change’ (‘School of geography and the environment’) but as this journal indicates women in traditional roles and/or deprivation of income, Linda McDowell’s selection of this disadvantaged area allowed her as a feminist geographer to pose theories on the area and question the approach of pre-feminism tradition to be seen. In this paper, there are four selected concepts dealt with individually which are: 1. Getting by in the working class neighbourhoods 2. Intergenerational geographical immobility and a sense of place 3. A constrained juggling act of paid and unpaid work commitments and, 4. Unpaid and informal extended family care. In terms of work, many of the women talked about their time in paid and unpaid employment and the nature of their partners work. Women are dispensed in the 5 C’s and even when in full time employment are receiving 18% less than men. (Ward et al. , 2007, pp.314) Many of the women interviewed were part-time workers with only four out of sixteen women given in table 2 of Ward et al. , 2007, in full time employment. Women are seen to conforming to structural constraints in deciding whether to preform work or not with families needing at one and half or two incomes to be beyond poverty. Many households were questioned about amenities, leisure and extended family and childcare. Many of the women lived close by their families with more than 50% living within a mile of their parents as recorded in table four (Ward et al., 2007, pp. 317). It would advocate that various on the interviewees would not survive financially without being close to parents or other extended family members with the burden of childcare costs diminished slightly due to complementary care. Wythenshawe is a region in South Manchester which is the second most deprived local authority district on the 2004 index with low levels of house ownership and with many people suffering from unemployment in a region called Sharston within Wythenshawe. (ODPM, 2004, pp. 315) It showed a decline in population in Shartson in the years of 1991 and 2009 with a drop of 15% with twice as many lone parents with dependent children living there (Ward et al. , 2007, pp. 315) Many of the women that were in the areas are thought to be in a progression of spatial entrapment which is when companies relocate to areas of residence where women whose domestic responsibilities restrict their employment prospects and job search (Kim, 1993). With that, a selected number of women in this journal are victim to this theory mentioned. The study was theoretically driven as it was intended to reflect an array of household work and family circumstances as an entire area rather than characterise the household structure of a small area. Wythenshawe has many participants who have experienced the theory of the study and based on the philosophy that they were in a working class neighbourhood responding to contemporary challenges and how women in general manage responsibilities. Candidates were gathered from a range of locations such as pre-schools, playgroups, libraries, a number of other pre-school amenities and snowballing and which consisted of at least one pre-school child (Ward et al. , 2007, pp. 316-317). Each of the interviews lasted between one-two hours highlighting a number of themes with close attention paid to eleven women. The analysis was separated under different headings to differentiate the topics discussed. Interviews allow knowledge to be gained from personal experience and gives insight of the social structure and people’s experience of the world. Interviews are tedious but an effective method of documenting information. Surveys were used to gather statistics for a number of different topics in this study such as households, intergenerational mobility, and the type of work and hours performed. Surveys generally are a quick and easy way to collect data especially as this journal covers a larger area. With that, as these statistics are accounted for in a number of areas within Manchester some of the data produced may be misleading as many of the surveys are averages or have some information missing therefore not producing accurate data which may be deceptive. The case study overall is the most effective tool as the candidates chosen were able to relate to the hypothesis of the journal within the areas selected. Under the associated headings mention above, the results were represented under the various sections in regard to each candidate that was spoken to. The main method used was interviews therefore the verbal accounts from each individual are seen in particular areas of interest to the individuals allowing the journal to have a flow from topic to topic. The other results were collected and amounted into tables containing numerical data which the authors conducted themselves. The majority of the journal reflected the theoretical stance of the authors such as Kath Ray as her speciality of qualitative research was an independent tool in the research conducted. Also as many of the authors have specialities in gender roles and policies, much of the theory in the journal is leaned towards theses aspects. Empirical research methods will continue to play a helpful role in the qualitative research in geography. Empirical methods allow qualitative research to have proof to its theory as qualitative research is to describe the certain phenomenon and answering questions (‘QSR international’) Given that it provided information does not mean that the content of the theory in question is true, therefore, empirical research provides the an alternative for a test/experiment to be carried out to verify that research carried out is true and that qualitative research as a duplicate in theory and in practice. An area of the reported research that is not empiricist in approach is of course the bibliography. It contains resources that obtained some prior knowledge about the study before it was carried out. Overall, the journal shows the use of empiricism and empirical methods throughout. The contrasts between the two are highlighted in the analysis and results of the journal which portray their uses in geographical research. Section 2 Bridging the fields of geography and biology, biogeography is the study of the distribution of plants and animals across the earth (Potito, 2012). It requires a primary understanding of ecology and evolutionary factors through space and time concerned with identifying how historical, physical and biological factors have contributed to the past and present distributions of individuals, species, communities, ecosystems and biomes. The aims of the course is to introduce students to various methodologies used in biogeography research and hands-on field, lab and data analysis exercises that will allow students to put learned concepts into practice and give students experience working with the techniques used in biogeography. In sum of the above the learning outcomes is for one to have a comprehension of the basic principles of biogeography as a discipline, a developed capacity to apply the field of methodologies and data analysis techniques used and finally to critically understand the human impact on species distributions and conservation strategies. With regard to the course material covered so far, empiricism has found importance in some aspects covered. Although, there is a need for a more empirical approach as it is hard to distinguish between concepts of process and evidence of pattern and on the greater use of analytical methods (‘sciencedirect’). Much of physical geography modules are viewed purely as empiricism. They could once be viewed in this light but given present day resources they are aspects of both concepts seen in biogeography. The content and reading materials were once unique events experienced by the senses and were accepted as geological truths. This however was granted under no data to prove theories or events. Much of biogeography is about understanding theories about what has happened in the past such as extinction or succession patterns and using the knowledge that already exists to test theories and to try formulating the future. As it is a physical aspect of geography, the course also leans in the side of empirical methods as it involves labs and getting out into the field collecting data using a theory or hypothesis having prior knowledge about the experiment. Empirical methods are seen throughout the course so far as some of the theory thought has shown results of tested theory in numerical forms of data etc†¦ In relation to empiricism and empirical methods in biogeography, it is defined by the courses aims and objectives as much of the course (so far) has been introducing pre-existing information/evidence of various methodologies used in the research of biogeography and collecting data out in the ‘field’ of observation during lab sessions and putting learned concepts into practice which gives the students hands-on experience. The course should consider using more of an empirical method approach for students to gain a wider understanding of world experience in the field as researchers and testing hypothesis. Bibliography Section 1: Cahill, R. , and Galvin, S. , (2012), Theory and Practice 1, Empiricism, [online], (‘https://nuigalway. blackboard. com/webapps/portal/frameset. jsp? tab_tab_group_id=_2_1url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_32490_1%26url%3D’) Accessed 31 October 2012. Explorable. com (2009), Research Designs: Quantitative and Qualitative Research [online], (‘http://explorable. com/quantitative-and-qualitative-research. html’) Accessed 31 October 2012. Fagan, C. , and Ward, K. , (1998/2007), Manchester academic; Staff profiles [online], The University of Manchester, (‘http://www. manchester. ac. uk/research/directory/staffprofiles/’) Accessed on 31 October 2012. Kim, V. L. , (1993), Suburban Pink Collar Ghettos; The Spatial Entrapment of Women, 83 (2), pp. 225-242. McDowell, Linda. , (2012), School of Geography and the Environment; Staff profiles [online], University of Oxford, (http://www.geog. ox. ac. uk/staff/lmcdowell. html ‘’), Accessed on 31 October 2012. ODMP, (2004). The English Indices of Deprivation (revised). London, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister [online], (‘http://www. communities. gov. uk/documents/communities/pdf/131209. pdf’) Accessed on 31 October 2012. Perrons, D. , (2009) Research and Expertise; LSE Experts Directory [online], The London School of Economic and Political Science (‘http://www2. lse. ac. uk/researchAndExpertise/Experts/d. [emailprotected] ac. uk’).
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